Build Your Knitting Confidence with Catherine and the Patty Lyons Workbook - April/May
Five Saturdays, April 19, 26, and May 3, 10, and 17, from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Do you want to become a more confident knitter? This is the workshop for you. Join Catherine every Saturday in March as you work through the exercises in the Patty Lyons companion to the Knitting Bag of Tricks, The Official Workbook. You will knit swatches and analyze your knitting, giving you a better understanding of how you knit (see below for my personal experience). From how you knit to gauge cast-on, increases and decreases, “pesky” problems and solutions, cast-offs, to finishing, this workshop will help you determine how you want to approach your knitting and make you a better knitter.
This will be a roundtable discussion of knitting, and not only will you learn from your swatch but also from the fellow knitters around you. As we work through the workbook together, you will make notes about what you have learned and take photos of them, which we will print on stickers for your notebook.
At the end of March, with your notebook filled with notes, photos, and swatches, you will be confident in applying what you have learned to your knitting. When you look at a pattern, you will know what modifications to make your knitting the best it can be.
Personal note: I completed exercise one, which convinced me to work through the book. I tend to “blow out” my purl stitches, making my tensions in a field of stockinette somewhat irregular. I have a few tricks that I use to minimize the issue, but after completing swatch one and seeing the different ways of knitting side by side, I now know that if I combination knit, my stockinette comes out lovely and smooth.
Skills: Please have a good knowledge of knitting. This is not "how" to knit class.
Supplies: Patty Lyons Official Workbook and Knitting Bag of Tricks, worsted yarn, and appropriate needles.
Full payment is needed to reserve your space. For a refund on the class, cancellations must be made five days before the class. All refunds are given as store credit only. If we cancel the class for any reason, you will receive a full refund. Please note that any supplies or homework are listed under the class description; please ensure you come prepared! Monarch Rewards Points may not be used towards the payment of a class.