Knit, Blog & Be Happy!

Spotlight on: The Shop App!

Spotlight on: The Shop App!

Dear readers, we've got a nifty little tip to share with you.  Did you know you can shop directly from the Shop app?  It's true!  Our website integrates with the easy-to-use app. Order yarn, kits, notions, accessories—if it's on, it's in the Shop app!   So, what is this app?  Available on iOS (iPhone) and Android, the Shop app makes it easy to find and track the things you love, like yarn!  For example, if you have the app installed, you can easily track your Monarch packages purchased through our website.  In addition, since our website tooling is of the same service, it allows...

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Spotlight on: Curated Seasons Box

Spotlight on: Curated Seasons Box

Two years ago, I decided to feature a curated box for our Monarch Knitting clients. We are heading into our third year with a slight tweak to the box. Instead of featuring a large, more expensive box, the Curated Season Box will be a bit smaller and at a better price.  Why in heaven's name do I do these boxes? The simple answer is: I enjoy taking the time to select the perfect items for each box. My mantra for each product is, would I want to receive and use this? Would I feel good about gifting it to another crafter...

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Spotlight on: Thanks

Spotlight on: Thanks

With Thanksgiving just a week away, I have been reflecting on the things that I am most thankful for in my life. One of the things that popped into my mind was how much knitting has enriched my life. Not only did it lead to a career that I love, it has opened my world to so many interesting people and friends.  I posed the question to our instagram audience, "In the interest of the coming season, please share your reason(s) you are thankful for your knitting or crochet?" Knitting is my calm amidst the chaos. I'm grateful for the...

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Spotlight on Process: Blocking, The Magic Fairy Dust of Knitting

Spotlight on Process: Blocking, The Magic Fairy Dust of Knitting

Let me start with one note, this post is not meant to be a comprehensive study of blocking. One could write a book about the subject. I simply want to highlight why blocking is so important and talk about how I approach the process. Why block? Blocking is the magic fairy dust of knitting and crochet. Simply said, blocking improves the look of a project. You have spent a lot of time working on a project, so why would you skip the last important step? So many good things happen: your stitches relax,  some tension issues can be eased and the yarn blooms...

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Spotlight on Yarn: Ikigai Fiber Chibi Paka Chunky

Spotlight on Yarn: Ikigai Fiber Chibi Paka Chunky

When I was at H+H this past summer, my friend Josie of KnitChats took me to meet Pam Powers and introduce beautiful yarn line, Ikigai Fibers.  This booth was filled with color, knit and crochet projects alike, and a feeling of joy. Because Pam has been a designer for years she knew exactly what she was looking for when she created her line. Ikigai “is the Japanese philosophy of having a source of value in one's life that makes everything worthwhile”. She says it best herself:  “I have been fascinated with Japanese crafting for many years and have been fortunate...

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