Spotlight On: Knitting Style

When I sit down to knit, I often listen to a book on Audible or stream a mystery series. In the last few months, I have added a video podcast to my must-watch list, Wool Needles Hands, hosted by Tayler Earl.

Tayler lives outside of Las Vegas and is the owner/dyer of Fiber for the People, and has a knack for creating engaging videos weekly. The episodes are well-planned and edited, and I always walk away with a nugget of knowledge or inspiration for future knitting projects. She highlights all types of yarn, her line, big box craft stores, and LYS offerings. Her show always has a theme: one-skein knitting patterns, knitter's good advice, textured sweater patterns, etc. And her craft room, where she films, is a feast for the eyes. I always have a pad and paper ready to jot down any tips and pattern inspo!

One recent episode she released, 7 Steps to Finding My Knitting Style, really captured my attention and led me down a fun path of creative musing. She talks about looking at things that inspire you: colors, textures, nature, things you have in your wardrobe that you especially love. It can be anything. Then, you take that inspiration, put a name on it, and create a mood board. 

Her 7 steps are as follows:

1. Define the Vision
2. Label the Vision (Give it a name!)
3. Gather Inspiration
4. Develop a Color Palette
5. Develop a Texture Profile
6. Consider the Yarn
7. Synthesize it all into a knitting aesthetic mood board!

I don't want to go over these points in this blog post because she explains them perfectly in her video. But let me tell you about my process.

I am traditional when it comes to my clothes.  I love jeans, sweaters, and loafers or ballet flats.  I grew up wearing a uniform and am very comfortable in a narrow set of parameters. I like natural colors with a bit of pink and red thrown in here and there. 

I collected photos on Pinterest and made a mood board for my fall/winter knitting style. Cables, jeans, browns, greens, dark academia interiors, books, coffee, and my dog. Then, I uploaded everything to Canva and used one of their mood board templates to create my Fall/Winter Knitting Style board.  

Now that I have my inspiration board, I plan to translate that to my knitting. In fact, the Moby Slipover that I am knitting right now fits in perfectly! 

I have a lot of autumnal colors in this mood board; however, when I go to create my spring/summer mood board (which I will do for you all at the start of spring), some number of the photos will remain. I will change the background color to something a bit lighter, change the flower arrangements and the autumn leaves to something more coastal, and add a bit more rosy colors. But that color palette on the left, the photo of jeans and loafers, the shot of the library/coffee shop, and Bash, of course, are my staples. 

This project was so much fun, and I hope I have inspired you to create your knitting-style board. If you are so inclined, email yours to us at  We might share it in our Instagram stories.

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  • Jamie on

    I have to agree with Cheri — OMG I love Tayler Earl’s podcast! So much that I even signed up for her Patreon (something I rarely do). And your mood board is wonderful!

  • Ann on

    Hi J,

    The sweater is just a manufactured sweater that I found a photo of on Pinterest. PetiteKnit has the Elizabeth Blouse close to this sweater but without the cables. I will keep looking for the right sweater to knit for myself.


  • Cheri Andrews on

    OMG!!! I Love Tayler Earl’s podcast!!👍🤗
    I watched the finding your knitting style video and so excited. This is right up my alley. Thanks!!
    Cheri from Gardnerville NV

  • J on

    The sweater in the bottom row of your knitting style board is beautiful. What pattern is that? Thanks for the blog on finding your knitting style and for any information on the sweater!

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