We're bringing back memories of our weekly newsletter, column "While We Stitch Away". This recap from October of 2020 is filled with a variety of topics from our caring for your knitwear to spooky stories and things!
October 1st: Caring for Knitwear
Of course, Martha goes deep into the subject – Sweater Care 101
A Clean Bee has a great blog post on storing sweaters.
The Today Show shows us how to "Unshrink" a wool sweater.
What Happens to My Wool Sweater in the Washer - Kinda goofy but full of good information.
October 8th: Domino Effects... I find these mesmerizing!
Can you imagine reading all of these books? Book Domino Chain World Record
270,000 dominoes fall as world record is broken - Incredible!
A calming compilation of Awesome Domino Effects
The intricacies of these domino tricks are amazing!
Swan Lake from home with Swans for Relief
ABT's ballet classes inspired by one of this season’s scheduled ballets is intresting to watch... You can follow along, too!
Stream the New York City Ballet's new season.
You can check out ABT's performance information as well.
You can rent A Ballerina's Tale: The Incredible Rise of Misti Copeland on Amazon Prime. Mr. Monarch recommended it!

The San Francisco Chronicle on "The Historic Ghosts of Old Monterey".
I have yet to encounter the Lady in Lace but have had friends who have seen her.
The Robert Louis Stevenson house is home to a mysterious lady wearing a shawl (I wonder if it's a hand-knit?)
And, if you want to scare the wits out of your kids, Monterey Bay Parents has a list of where to find ghosts in Monterey County.