Knit, Blog & Be Happy!
Spring Stash Cleaning!

So I spent the weekend cleaning some things out in my home and one of my favorite things to go through is my stash. I do not keep a big stash, except for all of the yarn at 490 Lighthouse, but I do go through it at least once a year. So here are my very rules for cleaning out my stash:I empty everything on to my dining room table – Every bin, every project bag and every little bit of leftover yarn. Then I arrange all of the yarn by weight. That allows me to look at each skein and make some quick...
SSP (Slip Stitch Party) Cast On

When I saw the test knitting call for Isabel Kramer’s newest shawl, SSP, go out on Instagram, I knew the project would find its way onto my needles. The shawl is designed in 6 sections, using different slip stitch patterns or stripes in each section. Once the large first section is done; it is on to the party! The project was designed with Brooklyn Tweed Loft in mind and I thought that I would use the original colors for the project. As always, I peeked through the complete SSP project on Ravelry and spied Stanetty’s shawl. I thought...
Knitting Surgery - It is not as hard as you think!

I recently put up an Instagram post that got a lot of attention. While watching the Olympics I messed up a cable cross on my Amelia Sweater. (I did it twice, but who is counting?) I make a habit of putting my work down every 20 rows or so to look at the overall piece. You can catch a lot of mistakes before you get too far along. Unfortunately, I did not take a photo of the mistake itself, but trust me it was there. If a mistake is huge I will rip back the necessary number of rows. But...
The Winter Games, for Knitters

I really enjoy the Winter Olympics: Skiing, skating, short track speed skating, ski jumping and snowboarding. I love it all. So how in the heck did the start of the games sneak up on me this year? Normally, a few weeks before the Olympics I would set up a knit-a-long for you all to join. I would have put it in the newsletter and on social media and, and, and , and – Well, this year I didn't even think about it. Just because I didn't have my ducks in a row, we can still have some fun, right?...
My Temperature Blanket

The last couple of years I have had my eye on creating a temperature blanket. I enjoy “row a day” projects, as evidenced by my Crackerjack Scarf that followed a SF Giants season. 2022, my year of joy, was the perfect span of time to tackle a daily meditative project. I spent a great deal of time on Ravelry and Instagram searching for the perfect pattern. One photo kept catching my eye, Nathalie Bouffard’s Temperature Blanket. I love the colors and the texture of the blanket. The problem was my knowledge of crochet can be described as basic at best....